Iwo Jima, Sunday, 11 March 1945
Regimental Combat Team (RCT) 25 was hit by heavy fire from the deep crevices and ridges, in bitter fighting throughout the day, and one Marine in Hudson’s platoon was killed by a sniper.

A captured Japanese soldier said there were hundreds of Japanese with weapons and water but little food in the small area ahead of the division. Also, there was a Japanese major general. Probably, the division was facing General Senda, commander of the major army unit on the island. The terrain in the area was rough rocky outcroppings and such scrubby vegetation as had survived the bombing; the defenders had excellent cover.
Excerpts are from Fighting the Unbeatable Foe: Iwo Jima and Los Alamos, now republished as a 75th anniversary edition in paperback and Kindle.