History on a Shirt
Hard Luck Ace epub
Hard Luck Ace: Bob Todd - Epub version - Andy Parks Museum Talk July 9, 2016
Bob Todd was an American ace, but the day he got his fifth victory that made him an ace, he was also shot down and became a prisoner of war. So the war ended, and he never got his medals, except a Purple Heart, and that was in 1983.
Andy Parks knew Bob Todd through the reunions his father organized, became good friends with the ace, and has many anecdotes to tell including:
- What happened to Nancy Reagan at a picture session with some World War 1 pilots
- What it's like to fly a Sopwith Camel for the first time (no backseat available for instructor)
- What it is like to fly with a rotary engine
- What happened to pilots before today's level of meteorological prediction
- Why Texas was a bad place to be training in 1917
- Flying at night with nothing like what we would now call instruments
- How Batman got his logo
Museum talks are at the Vintage Aero Flying Museum on second Saturdays, which are museum free days, but Andy is actually a world-class information source on World War 1 aviation, and donations are appreciated.